Pasquale Di Fazio, born in 1960 in Lavello, Italy, but predominantly residing in Milan, is a self-taught artist who embarked on his professional artistic journey in 1985. He gained acclaim for his captivating depictions of the stunning Italian landscapes, particularly focusing on the countryside of Italy, and Tuscany in particular, renowned for its beauty and association with the Italian Renaissance.

Di Fazio’s deep connection with nature is evident in his art, as he skillfully translates his love for the Italian countryside onto the canvas. His abstract style and nuanced use of color effortlessly convey the authentic feel of the landscapes, bringing forth their natural shades and mood in his inimitable way.

Now primarily focusing on abstract work, Di Fazio’s paintings possess a spatial dimension, thanks to his profound understanding of composition and depth. His works are characterized by fabulous and striking colors that provide extraordinary lighting and a mystical undertone, intriguing and fascinating viewers with every stroke.

The harmony of color and composition in Di Fazio’s paintings is a testament to his advanced technical skill, inviting viewers into an enchanting realm full of surprises and emotions. Exhibiting his works across Europe, Russia, and the United States, Di Fazio has established himself as a distinguished artist on the international stage, leaving an indelible mark with his lyrical flights of artistic expression.