Idan Zareski, the instinctive sculptor who captures movement

Self-taught, Idan Zareski shapes movement and space with a mastery that defies academic canons. His sculptures, combining resin and bronze, capture bodies in motion, sometimes in balance, sometimes frozen in an eternal moment. His workshops, scattered between France, Portugal and Florida, are witness to this creative alchemy where each piece takes shape.

Zareski doesn’t bother with art lessons or anatomy, preferring to follow his instincts and emotions rather than referring to preconceived sketches or plans. Stunningly spontaneous, he reveals that almost 90% of his works are completed in less than an hour, a testament to the fluidity and impulsiveness that characterise his creative process. But where does his boundless inspiration come from? His childhood memories, mostly forged in Africa, fuel his imagination and inspiration. It is this visual and emotional heritage that he strives to transmute into his work, leaving plenty of room for improvisation. This culminates in the ‘Bigfoot Family Project’, in which Zareski transcribes the faces of his past, while inviting the viewer to explore the blurred contours of memory and creativity.

The quiet call of hope

In Idan Zareski’s artistic universe, an unusual family takes shape: the Bigfoot Family. Comprising members such as Babyfoot, Bigfoot, Ladyfoot, Grandpafoot, Grandmafoot, Longfoot, Coolfoot, Le Siffleur, Le Rebel and La Nena, this team symbolises a profound unity between human beings, transcending race, colour and geographical origin. These characters have large feet, metaphors for our roots and our essential attachment to the Earth, our native paradise.

Through this sculptural family, Zareski seeks to convey a message of unity and hope. He manipulates and transforms the human anatomy in his works, amplifying certain body parts, adopting relaxed attitudes, and dramatising forms with pop, generous colours ranging from metallic purple to bright green. These aesthetic choices are not just intended to surprise the viewer; they also convey a message of peace and tranquillity.

A closer look at these sculptures reveals a critical reflection on our humanity… Each member of the Bigfoot Family carries a message of awareness of cultural differences and origins. As you will have gathered, by turning human forms on their head, Zareski invites us to meditate on what unites us despite our apparent diversity.

The Bigfoot family: a global artistic presence

Idan Zareski’s art transcends borders, and the Bigfoot Family is a perfect illustration of this, established in the most diverse corners of the globe. The members of this family of sculptures, emblems of human unity and diversity, have taken up residence in a variety of prestigious locations that reflect the universality of the artist’s message. Whether through monumental works or more modest pieces, Zareski’s trace is omnipresent…

Miami, New York, Monaco, Panama City, Paris, Cartagena and San Jose (Costa Rica) are just some of the places where the Bigfoot Family has taken root. Zareski’s works can be found in museums, galleries, art exhibitions, luxury hotels and parks, enriching environments that are already steeped in history and culture!