Born in Brussels in 1959, the incredibly striking artist is world-renowned for his unique photo mosaics with a distinct flavour of feminine intensity. Möen’s trademark style began to emerge both nationally and internationally in 2011. First viewed as a contemporary alternative to pointillism and pixel art, his pieces soon began to attract an international following. His process is aided by Möens obsessive race for source material.

He scours through thousands of images from sources ranging from electronic periodicals, fashion catalogues and even online material. He will often apply images in the tens of thousands of images in the foregrounds of his works. Joel Möens seeks to create a surprising and sensual experience, with many of the mosaics representing elements of the female body.

In the digital age in which we all live, these erotic depictions are utterly endless and seem to invade us on a daily basis through many different forms. His pieces are compiled of thousands of iterations of feminine curves invoking such desire. At the heart of these passionate depictions, lies man’s passion for women. The one he views as his woman.

In life he approaches her subtly, yet she continuously devours him. This is part of man’s human condition, his subconsciousness is reflected in and throughout each of Moen’s microscopic and ornate images.