The TROIS KONG is the gathering of three personalities: a fashion creator, a digital artist, and a financier who danced in pop culture and nightclubs to the electronic rhythms of the 80s. The fusion of these worlds has given birth to fiercely contemporary and delightfully insolent artistic creations, flamboyant allegories of the society of spectacle.

The THREE KONG reconnects art with the digital, fashion, and street art through vibrant works aimed at questioning the viewer about the flaws of our modern society. Refusing the star system and hidden behind the quirky humor that characterizes them, they convey a defiant and innovative message that defends the principles of freedom, openness, and independence to which they are committed.

This impertinent trio anonymously frequents upscale parties and pop-art events in major capitals, drawing inspiration from eclectic encounters. Astonishing, mysterious, and provocative, who are the THREE KONG whose works both amuse, fascinate, and question you in turn?

You may have already crossed their path and, without knowing it, contributed to enriching their creative and popular universe…